Do you feel trapped by trauma?
You’re in the right place!
The problem is that you’re so overwhelmed by your triggers, the anxiety, depression, fears, flashbacks, perhaps even thoughts of self-hatred and self-loathing.

But you can’t ask for help because . . .
You feel like no one will “get it”.
You feel like no one will care anyway because they haven’t yet.
You feel trapped like there’s just no way out of this dark place you’re in.
You feel like you’re screaming but no one can hear you.
You’re constantly in fight/flight and don’t know how to get out of it.
Sometimes it feels like a bad dream and you just wish this wasn’t your life…….
That’s where I come in.
Hi, I’m Bethany and I can help you heal from trauma.
I love working with trauma survivors who feel like there is no way out - you know why? Because that used to be me.
I like to describe this feeling of being trapped in the pain like a dark pit. You’re stuck at the bottom of a dark pit (imagine like a well) and you can’t get out. Sometimes you can’t even see the light at the top. There’s muck and mud all around you and when you try to climb out, you keep slipping down further into the mud. Sometimes you scream out for help but no one can hear you because you’re too far down. It’s cold, it’s empty and it’s really lonely.
But when you least expect it, someone throws you a rope. This rope is a lifeline and allows you to slowly climb out. Even though you may slip back down every now and again, you’re eventually able to climb up and before you know it, you can begin to see the light again.
This is your lifeline. If you feel like you have nothing left to lose, I’m here to support you to find the light again.
I believe we are all capable of living a joy-filled life free from the experiences we’ve had in our past. I believe YOU can overcome the struggle, the pain, the torment that you live every day. For years I have questioned everything I am, feeling so much rejection, abandonment, trauma and pain from what I experienced. When I say that you’re not alone in your struggle, I truly mean that with everything in me.
“When you least expect it, someone throws you a rope…..Even though you may slip back down every now and again, you’re eventually able to climb up and before you know it, you can begin to see the light again.” - Bethany xo
So how can I support you? Here’s how. Together we can work on:
+ Emotional regulation strategies
+ Coping skills
+ Understanding traumatic responses
+ Connection strategies
+ Anxiety management
+ Grounding techniques
+ Goals and values
+ Attachment styles
+ Skills to process trauma, grief and loss
+ Reducing the impact of generational trauma
+ Identifying trauma triggers
+Healing childhood memories
Here’s how you can begin your healing journey:
Schedule a FREE 60 minute conversation with me to see how I can support you. Alternatively, you can book in your support now.
Bethany is a Trauma Therapist with extensive experience supporting those who suffer from anxiety, depression, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Major Depressive Disorder, complicated grief, childhood trauma and self-harm. Through her own journey healing from trauma, Bethany has learned to live with her pain so that she can now teach others to do the same. Bethany takes a client-centred empathic approach in understanding the specific needs of each client through story-telling, healing attachments, neuroplasticity and understanding the processes each client utilises through their own strength and resilience. By establishing a sense of safety, making meaning of the memories and healing through re-connection, Bethany walks the journey with her clients into deep level healing. Are you ready to do the work with someone guiding you along the way? Let’s do this.
More about me..
Bethany’s Unpublished Works
Over the years, Bethany has researched many topics, specialising in intergenerational trauma, complex post-traumatic stress disorder, and complicated grief. You are welcome to view these works by downloading them below. For any questions or clarification of any written works listed here, please email Bethany at
*These works are protected by copyright laws and must not be reproduced for any purpose or reason. Any and all names have been changed due to confidentiality.
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